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The Demiguin Resource or Melcruz's Domain is a site that houses a lot of documents -- tutorials, guides, jokes, papers, etc.  Plus a special portion for webmasters with guides and backgrounds.  There is also a very special part for my hobbies -- drawing and collecting.  Watch out for other cool stuff.  For comments and suggestions, email me at

Please help this promote this site.  Tell your friends.  And if you happen to own a website and want a URL that is easy to remember, please go to  You could get a .tk address for free.  All I ask for is that when you apply, please put in my number ( 18406 ) as refferer.  It would be no cost to you and no money earned for me. 


August 2, 2003
Added 4 scans in my autograph collection

July 28, 2003
Added 7 docs, Added Autograph Collection

July 20, 2003
A lot of changes and facelifts. soon ill add my collection and photo page.

May 30 2003,
Changes to: sketches, webtut, menu, index, about, contact, sale

May 28 2003,
Another update.  Changes to: webtut, menu, Index, docs, sitemap

May 27 2003,
Another update.  Added sitemap, moved search engine. ~Mel

May 24 2003,
Another update.  Added guestbook, forum, trade/sale and pretty much a lot. ~Mel

May 12 2003,
Hey everyone, with the service of, you can signup for an annoying email address. it would be  Till then, Tataa! ~Mel

May 12 2003,
I packed the documents to one area for better navigation. Btw, I need help promoting this site. Mail me. Ciao!   ~Mel

May 1 2003,
It's actually pathetic that my site had more facelifts than Michael Jackson (ooops!  j/k)  But hey, the new site is here.  So, enjoy!  ~Mel


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