How to make a website

This is my tutorial on how to make your own website.  I am no expert but I have been making sites for quite a while now and I could say that I have some experience regarding this  topic.  The main goal of this tutorial is to guide newbies into making their own personal website.  This will be in constant update so watch out.  So, Let's get to it!
Last Update: 05-28-03 

There are 6 things you must consider in making a website: 
PAMHAS - Purpose . Appearance . Method . Hosting . Advertising . Shorter Name

P- Purpose

1.  Think of what you want your site to be about. 
     (jokes, sports, personal site, celebrities, music etc.)  If you do this later, you might have a hard time signing up for a host, because before you sign up, you should have a category. 
If for example, you are still undecided, focus on a portion of your site that dominates.  (either you like it very much, it is more appealing to other people, or it simply is the majority content of your site) 

2.  Think of your target audience.
     Think of it this way:   It would be inappropriate for a doctor to use slang terms and misspelled words on his online resume.  Neither would it be right to use complicated terms and jargons on a site made for children.  This goes to show that it would be best to evaluate your targeted audience.  Again,
if you are undecided, make the text on your site somewhere in between.  Neither too simple that you would appear unprofessional nor too complicated that young readers would have a hard time understanding your message.
     Another importance of knowing your audience is
the ability to choose a suitable design for your site.   Again, I don't think an animated picture of Bart Simpson farting would be appropriate in a physician's resume site.  Nor would it be appropriate to use graphic images of violence and profanity on a site for kids.

3.  Think of your main purpose.
     This is somewhat tied-in with #1. By purpose, I mean to argue, inform, comment etc.  Whatever your purpose is, you must make it clear on your site.  There are lots of people who do research on the web.  Some may take your comments as factual bits of information. 

A- Appearance

     I find this the hardest part of making websites.  There is virtually no end to the combinations you can make.    

1.  Think of a theme.

2.  Think of a color theme.

3.  Beauty vs. Accessibility.

*under construction

M- Method

1.  What is your level of expertise?

2.  How much time are you willing to spend?

*under construction

H- Hosting

A webhost is where your site would be.  This is where you would constantly log into to update/change your site.  Think of it as a community where your house (website) would be located.

There are several factors you must consider in choosing an appropriate Host for you.
1.   Cost
2.  Reliability
3.  Features/ Uploading Procedures
5.  Bandwidth
6.  Banners/Advertisements
7.  Additional Features/ Tech Support

*under construction

A- Advertise

Ok, on this part, I may not be the best person to tell you what this is about.  At the time this tutorial was made, I have less than 300 visitors to my site.  But here it goes anyway...

So why exactly do you need to advertise?  You need to advertise to let other people that your site exists.  Unless you want your site to be viewed only by you and a couple of friends, you might want to skip this part.  All others can try the following methods.

For a more thorough discussion regarding this topic, and a lot more tips (29, last time I checked) go to this site

S- Shorter URL

I like this part the best.  I am such a sucker for URL forwarding.  In case you're wondering, URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.  And according to my trusty WordWeb Thesaurus, it is "An address giving the location of something on the Internet, consisting of a protocol, computer name, and file location"  

In a nutshell, when you sign up for some free hosts, you will be given a long name.  (Tripod, Geocities and Angelfire)  Something like: ""  That's pretty hard to remember.  And pretty hard to give away to friends (what do you call this -> ~ <- anyway? mail me.)  So the best solution is to sign up for a URL forwarding service that would give you a shorter name.  This site, for example, has ""  as its forwarded name instead of ""  

Here are some of the URL forwarders.
1.  -  example:
          This is such a great service.  For one thing, you get a really short name, plus it's free. You also get to help the people of Tokelau (just go visit their site)  The catch is, you must have at least 25 visitors in 90 days or else, you would have to pay for it to get the name back.  (btw, you have the choice of putting their ads on your site or not)  *note-  Big favor here, when you sign up please put my num 18406 as ambassador.  It would help me own

2. - example:
          This is also a great service with a really nice community and support.  The catch is, you have to sign up for three advertisers to keep the service free and ad-free.

3. - example:

          I think this is cute, although longer than the first two.  (try dictating it to your friends dotdotdot nu)  Just try it.

4.  the free site listing  -  

          They don't provide the service themselves but they've got a listing of several sites that do.

          You see a lot of sites that ends with .com, .net, .org, .tv etc.  These are domain names and they cost money.  And since I try to stay away from anything that costs money, I don't know much about these.  (contributions are welcome though.  just mail me)  This part is still a bit vague.  I am open to corrections.  Please contact me.

copyright © demiguin 2003  ---- mail: